
Here you can find a selection of coursework I completed during my stay at MIT. Click on a particular course to learn more about it's curriculum, as well as see samples of some of my work. Note that course offerings at MIT change from year to year - course numbers, titles, and curricula are archived here accurate to the time that I was enrolled.

Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

  • 6.02 - Communications Networks
  • Information Entropy, data compression algorithms, error-corrective encoding schemes. Signal processing including interference, filtering, modulation, and multiplexing. Packet switching and queueing principles, routing protocols, and data transport protocols.

  • 6.004 - Computation Structures
  • Digital system architecture, beginning at transistor-level design and scaling to full CPU construction. Analysis of potential concurrency; precedence constraints and performance measures; pipelined and multidimensional systems. Classwork culminated in the design of a working 32-bit processor.

  • 6.005 - Software Construction
  • Software principles beginning with security and modularity. Focuses on invariants, unit tests, abstract data types and representation independence. Techniques to avoid common concurrency issues including race conditions and deadlock.

  • 6.006 - Introduction to Algorithms
  • Introduction to common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve contemporary computational problems. Focus on the study of relationships between algorithms and programming. Implementation of basic performance measures and analysis techniques.

  • 6.007 - Electrodynamics: From Motors to Lasers
  • Study of applications of electromagnetic and equivalent quantum mechanical principles to classical and modern devices. Energy conversion and power flow applied in both macroscopic and quantum-scale environments, to electrical and electromechanical systems. System design of generators, electric circuit elements, quantum tunneling structures, and optoelectronics.

  • 6.013 - Applied Electromagnetics
  • Analysis and design of modern applications that employ electromagnetic phenomena for signals and power transmission. RF, microwaves, optical and wireless communication systems. Dynamic solutions for Maxwell's equations; metallic and dielectric waveguides, radiation, and diffraction; resonance; filters; acoustic analogs. Classwork culminated in the design and construction of a stereo wifi signal blocker.

  • 6.033 - Computer System Engineering
  • Analysis of the complexity, security, and fault-tolerance of software and hardware systems. Operating system design and performance. Study of modern network systems such as blockchain and peer-to-peer file sharing. Case studies of working systems and the impact of computer systems on society.

  • 6.034 - Artificial Intelligence
  • Representations, methods, and architectures used to build applications modeling human computation intelligence. Rule chaining, constraint propagation, constrained search, inheritance, and statistical inference. Application of identification trees, neural nets, genetic algorithms, support-vector machines, and boosting to enhance learning in both supervised and unsupervised environments.

  • 6.041 - Probabilistic System Analysis
  • Probabilistic modeling with discrete and continuous random variables. Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing. Elements of statistical inference. Bernoulli and Poisson processes. Markov chains.

  • 6.805 - Foundations of Information Policy
  • Studied the growth of computer and communications technology, and the new legal and ethical challenges that reflect tensions between individual rights and societal needs. Topics include computer crime; intellectual property restrictions on software; encryption, privacy, and national security; academic freedom and free speech.

    Sample work: Recommendation and Evaluation of Liability Litigation Processes for Internet of Things in the Home

  • 6.813 - User Interface Design
  • Design principles, prototyping techniques, evaluation techniques, and the implementation of graphical user interfaces. Coursework concluded with the proposal, implementation, and user testing of a fully-functioning web application.

  • 6.S062 - Mobile and Sensor Computing
  • Sensing, computing, and communication software technologies that define the core of the modern Internet of Things movement. Analysis of power management techniques, positioning algorithms, range-finding and inertial sensors. Design of applications and libraries to enable these technologies using wireless communication, server-side analytics, and embedded software.

  • 6.S198 - Mobile Software Modeling
  • Foundations for mobile app creation. Focused on rapid prototyping, fail-fast design and UX testing. Case studies discussing what gives modern applications social and economic value.


  • 18.03 - Differential Equations
  • First order linear ODEs, inhomogeneous equations, system models with sinusoidal, and exponential inputs. Oscillations, damping, resonance. Fourier series. Heat and wave equations, nonlinear autonomous systems with critical point analysis.

  • 18.06 - Linear Algebra
  • Applied matrix theory, using fundamentals of vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and positive definite matrices. Topics of concentration included least-squares approximations, stability of differential equations, networks, Fourier transforms, and Markov processes.


  • 8.02 - Electricity & Magnetism
  • Theory and applications of electromagnetism and electrostatics. Concepts such as Coulomb's law, time-variant fields, Faraday's law, and solutions to Maxwell's equations. Applications focused on conductors and dielectrics, basic motors and inductive capacitance in magnetic circuits.

  • 8.033 - Relativity
  • Concepts of special and general relativity; principle of equivalence. The Schwarzchild metric; gravitational red shift; particle and light trajectories; geodesics; Shapiro delay. Stressed use of tensor physics and Lorentz transforms. Application to simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, GPS positioning, and clock synchronization.

  • ES.S70 - Programmable Physics: Electricity & Magnetism with Python
  • Utilized Python and its extensive visual libraries to model physical and electrical systems. Culminated in the design of a visual circuit building and analysis tool.


  • 10.01 - Ethics for Engineers
  • Integrated classical readings that provide an overview of ethics with a survey of case studies that focus on ethical problems arising in the practice of engineering. Readings taken from a variety of sources, such as Aristotle, Machiavelli, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, and the Founding Fathers. Case studies included written analyses and films that address engineering disasters, biotechnology, court cases, ethical codes, and the ultimate scope and aims of engineering.

  • 10.S94 - Ethics for Engineers II
  • Focused on economic and leadership foundations of entrepreneurship as they relate to engineering. Case studies illustrate major impacts of engineering on the world and examine the leaders responsible for such impacts. Authors include Franklin, Leonardo, Lincoln, Locke, Machiavelli, Schmidt, Schumpeter, Thiel, and Tocqueville.

  • 21A.500 - Technology & Culture
  • Intersectional study of technology, culture, and politics. Explores forces behind technological and cultural change; how technological and cultural artifacts are understood and used by different communities. Discussion surrounding the morality of applied sciences within varied social contexts, and the way in which technology changes the status quo of human social interaction.

  • 21W.032 - Writing for Science & Digital Media
  • Focuses on digital media production and associated reporting. Construction of a variety of digital media projects, including websites, games, interactive narratives and TEDx-style technical presentations.

  • 21W.789 - Mobile Application Development
  • Follows the complete development cycle of a standard Android application, from inception and proposal to publishing on the Google Play Store. Semester-long project involved the planning, proposal, implementaion, testing, and publishing of a complete mobile application. Emphasized user-centered design, fail-fast prototyping, backend maintenance, and modularity.

    Sample work: ConnectUS - Exploring and Improving the US Citizenship Process through Social Connections

  • 21W.791 - Network Cultures
  • Focused on the social and cultural aspects of networked life through internet-related technologies. Theories and case studies focused on the cultural, political, and socioeconomic aspects of internet use and design. Discussion on the morality of online interactions, activism and hacking, networked publics and intellectual property.


My largest time sink outside of university, I volunteered at MIT's student radio station. I hosted my own show, A Shot of Espresso, across the entirety of my time at MIT, logging nearly 200 hours of broadcasting time and learning a tremendous deal about music history, the recording industry, and live music production.

From 2013-2015, I served as the Program Director for WMBR, curating our content and creating seasonal schedules to enable our 150+ members to each have airtime. In 2015, I was elected General Manager of the station, and held the position for two years until I graduated from MIT. In addition to managing the upkeep and day-to-day operation of the station, I was responsible for maintaining our relationship with MIT and the FCC, overseeing our annual fundraising efforts, and holding regular meetings to discuss and implement other improvements around the station.